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The Future Will Be Better Tomorrow : My Blog : The Bridge Project : DoublePost : Template : Flickr : Atom Feed

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Change in Direction

In case you haven't noticed, I've retitled the site.

I mean, if you want to be a serious photoblogger, you can't have a cheesy name like "Genesun Han's Daily Photoblog". That's like starting a store called "Bill's Shoes". Just not hip enough.

Got to be something witty like "Satan's Laundromat" or "BlueJake" or youngna.com.

So, I've decided to reshuffle the various Jackie/Six properties, and appropriate the title formerly used by my not very often seen (or used) photoblog template page. The runner up title was an actual quote by a tired co-worker: It's Aready Yesterday.

So, just to keep things clear:
Desert of the Mind - the blog
The Future Will Be Better Tomorrow - daily photoblog
The Bridge Project - the bridge project
DoublePost - linkfilter

I'd be amendable to trading It's Already Yesterday for, let's say, a time machine.


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